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What is the best core for an inductor?

Date: Sep 22nd, 2023

The best core for an inductor depends on the specific application. Some of the most common core materials include:

  • Air: Air cores are the simplest and least expensive type of inductor core. They are also the most linear, meaning that the inductance does not change much with current or temperature. However, air cores have the lowest inductance per unit volume and weight.
  • Ferrite: Ferrite cores are made of a ceramic material that is mixed with a ferromagnetic material, such as iron. Ferrite cores are more expensive than air cores, but they have a much higher inductance per unit volume and weight. They are also less linear than air cores, meaning that the inductance can change with current and temperature.
  • Iron powder: Iron powder cores are made of a mixture of iron powder and a binder material. They have a higher inductance per unit volume and weight than air cores, but less than ferrite cores. They are also more linear than ferrite cores, but less than air cores.

Factors to consider when choosing an inductor core:

  • Inductance: The inductance required for the application.
  • Frequency: The frequency at which the inductor will be used.
  • Current: The current that will flow through the inductor.
  • Temperature: The temperature range in which the inductor will be used.
  • Cost: The cost of the inductor.

General guidelines for choosing an inductor core:

  • For low inductance and high linearity, choose an air core.
  • For high inductance and high frequency, choose a ferrite core.
  • For high inductance and high current, choose an iron powder core.

Examples of inductor core applications:

  • Air cores are often used in radio frequency (RF) circuits and high-frequency filters.
  • Ferrite cores are often used in power supply circuits and switching regulators.
  • Iron powder cores are often used in audio filters and inductors for motor drives.


The best core for an inductor depends on the specific application. Consider the inductance required, frequency, current, temperature range, and cost when choosing an inductor core.